Contract: KA204-02467C96
Leading organization: Valto-Sav Alapitvany (Hungary)
Implementation period: 1.12.2020 – 28.2.2023
Source of funding: European Commission, Erasmus + program, Key Action 2
The main goal of the project is the organization and implementation of creative programs for crime prevention, as well as the development of methodology and its dissemination in seminars.
During the project, four transnational partnership meetings are planned in the participating countries, with parallel publication of four brochures (on 10 different topics) and development of several intellectual products. In connection with these intellectual products, 16 multiplier events are planned (4 in each country).
Project activities:
- Publications – Brochures
- Research, data collection: collection / editing of best practices at local and international level, opportunities for implementation.
- Testing, testing, evaluation, feedback, revision, correction.
- Guidelines and methodology: relationships between dimensions of (physical-mental-social) health and learning; development of methodology;
- Development of general training material: Ways to use art therapy with marginalized, vulnerable social groups – guidelines for best practices;
Expected effect of the project: reduction of marginalization in low-skilled, high-risk target group, prisoners, former prisoners, addicts. Developing competencies for those working with the target groups, expanding their set of methodologies; innovations that can be undertaken by experts working in other fields.
Summary of the first transnational meeting
Summary of the second transnational meeting
Summary of the third transnational meeting