Status: State delegated service assigned by Municipality of Plovdiv to Crime Prevention Fund- IGA. Contract awarded on June 10th 2011, under № 11ДГ655.
Introduction: The observed home is а form of social service for supporting and counseling young adults over the age of 18, leaving specialized institutions and set to lead an independent lifestyle.
Purpose: The main purpose of the service provided is to ensure smooth transition and equal treatment for successful integration in society for people leaving the specialized institutions; to provide full and independent lifestyle in a suitable closer-to-family environment, with opportunity for support and manifestation; to create conditions for supported assistance, effective protection and social integration of social service users, and as a result of that to make effective social inclusion of service users.
Capacity: 6 users;
Address: Plovdiv, 11 Dimitar Tsonchev Str., phone/fax No.: 032/620 239, е – mail :“>
Target groups: young adults over the age of 18, leaving specialized institutions;
Services provided:
- Assessing the needs of accepted individuals to provide comprehensive support in their transition from institutional to independent way of life;
- Preparation of individual, adapted to the specific case, programme for independent living;
- Social, psychological, educational, legal consulting;
- Guidance, motivational and career consulting;
- Preparing and developing skills for independent lifestyle:
- oEveryday life skills;
- oSkills regarding housing and local services;
- oSocial and self-oriented skills for life;
- oSexual and reproductive health;
- Mediation and advocacy before the Employment Office, employers ,institutions and other social services authorities;
- Creating supporting networks:
- oReforming relationships with others of the same significance;
- oLifestyle planning;
- Group programs inclusion;